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Sierra Trail by Rosemary (Romi) Hill (Digital Pattern)

$7.00 USD

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The Sierra Nevada mountain range spans through many terrains, from thick, damp alpine forests to the dry of the high desert. The sierra trail shawl is designed to echo the different personalities of its namesake, with a solid top triangle and stripes knit up in rugged nubby tweed, interspersed with panels of smooth lacy leaves.

It’s a satisfyingly simple pattern, and a great introduction to lace. There is only one lace chart (with written instructions also included), which is worked twice. The garter edging is finished up with an Icelandic bind-off that leaves a sturdy edge. It’s perfect for every day, or for special occasions.

Additional Details

    • US 4 - 3.5 mm
    • US 6 - 4.0 mm