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Jack Frost Cowl by The Kitchen Sink Shop (Digital Pattern)

$7.00 USD

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Yarn: Worsted Weight

Needles: US 7

There is nothing like a cozy around your neck to keep you toasty warm in the winter chill. I love a cowl that is snug around my neck and this pretty lace design cowl is a fun and easy project!

You’ll only need one skein of worsted weight yarn (and who doesn’t love a one-skein project?!) for this cowl and the easy lace pattern knits up super quickly!

This pattern is perfect for experienced beginners and has written instructions.

The stitches you’ll need to be familiar with are knit, purl, yarn over, K2tog (knit two together) and SSK (slip, slip, knit).

The lace makes a pretty pine tree pattern with icy snowflakes - just like Jack Frost!